Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My cat

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I told StarFish that I'll try to post pics of my cat. Haha. He's kinda dirty because I wasn't able to bathe him for about three days ('coz I was busy at work). He's called SnowBell, I wonder where my little bro got the name, but I think he resembles Fat Louie of "The Princess Diaries" but I know he's thinner than it. (^_^)

I couldn't make him pose properly so I just disturbed his sleep on top of our jeep and took snapshots of him:



Anonymous said...

that's totally adorably cute! i want him!!! LOL!!! more like skinny louie rather than fat! haha... i love it, it's soooo cute and his name is "snowbell" ... awwwww! *hugs! that's sooo awesome! thanks for posting that, pretty sweet cat you've got there! :)

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